Cars three – (2017) – Rotten Tomatoes

Cars three (2017)


Critics Consensus: Cars three has an unexpectedly poignant story to go with its dazzling animation, suggesting Pixar’s most middle-of-the-road franchise may have a surprising amount of tread left.

Critics Consensus: Cars three has an unexpectedly poignant story to go with its dazzling animation, suggesting Pixar’s most middle-of-the-road franchise may have a surprising amount of tread left. Contine reading

California Dreamin – European nostalgia funny car

2015 – European nostalgia funny car

Tony Betts checks in after contesting the two thousand fifteen CHRR

Hi Tony, very first of all congratulations for running at this years California Hot Rod Reunion.

Hi Chris, many thanks it was a fantasy come true and I am still in disbelief.

For some of our readers who may not know about you, how did you get embarked in haul racing, and what cars have you run in your career? Contine reading

Books on Sikh Gurus in English, Punjabi and Hindi Released Online, SikhNet

Books on Sikh Gurus in English , Punjabi and Hindi Released Online

Lots of books on lives and teachings of Sikh Gurus have been released online in Hindi, English and Punjabi .

Lots of books on lives and teachings of Sikh Gurus have been released online in Hindi, English and Punjabi . This is a excellent chance for the sikhs world over to learn and know more about the lives of their Sikh Gurus and implement their teachings in day to day life . Contine reading