Guida autonoma, i livelli: da zero a five – News

Guida autonoma, i livelli: da zero a Five

La classificazione della SAE – Society of Automotive Engineers

L‘auto autonoma avanza inesorabilmente. La prossima decade sarà affascinate per quanto riguarda i progressi delle tecnologie self-driving che rivoluzioneranno il mondo della mobilità. Ovviamente si tratta di una rivoluzione graduale e non esente da difficoltà, e non solo a livello tecnico. Contine reading

FDA halts Juno CAR-T trial after three patient deaths, FierceBiotech

FDA halts Juno CAR-T trial after three patient deaths

Juno Therapeutics ($JUNO) had hoped to have a very first approval for one of its candidates next year. But that looks unlikely to happen as the pivotal trial for this lead candidate has been put on hold by the FDA after three patient deaths.

The FDA initiated the clinical hold on the Phase II clinical trial of JCAR015, known as ROCKET, which is in adult relapsed or refractory B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Contine reading

Elon Musk – s Plan to Make Self-Driving Autonomous Tesla Cars, WIRED

Tesla’s Self-Driving Car Plan Seems Insane, But It Just Might Work

Tesla’s Self-Driving Car Plan Seems Insane, But It Just Might Work

Elon Musk has done it again. The CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX has made an aggressive prediction for his technology, and paired it with an unreasonable deadline. In the past, he's promised electrified cars for everyone and trips to Mars , and built a reputation for achieving those shocking things, albeit far behind schedule. Contine reading

DS Automobiles

DS Automobiles

DS is the premium brand of Groupe PSA. The DS marque was very first announced in early two thousand nine by Citroën as a premium sub-brand added to certain models, with DS being an abbreviation of Different Spirit or Distinctive Series (albeit the reference to the historical Citroën DS is evident), to run in parallel to its mainstream cars. Contine reading