Confessions From a Reddit Junkie and Why You Should Care

Confessions From a Reddit Junkie and Why You Should Care

As a backwoods hiker, I have a morbid interest in bear attacks, and that’s how I very first heard about reddit. I stumbled on excerpts from an account by Allena Hansen who was mauled by a bear and managed to drive herself down a rutted mountain road with, as she put it, her “face draping off.” (Apologies for the goriest opener in the history of CMI.)

Contine reading

Company, SpaceX


Quick Facts about SpaceX:

Converting the Way Rockets Are Made

SpaceX has gained worldwide attention for a series of historic milestones. It is the only private company ever to comeback a spacecraft from low-Earth orbit, which it very first accomplished in December 2010. The company made history again in May two thousand twelve when its Dragon spacecraft delivered cargo to and from the International Space Station — a challenging feat previously accomplished only by governments. Contine reading